Just a quick one today – this is where I’ve been putting my hobby time recently: I’ve been painting Stormcast Eternals for my order army! Mostly I have devoted my time to starting the slow and gradual process of NMMing (Non-Metallic-Metal) my Judicators. I’ve actually been stippling them – in a bastardisation of the techniques learned at the David Soper masterclass. The techy painting is really pushing me and I’m finding it quite difficult, as I’m learning my way round a new technique whilst trying to adapt it to ensure I don’t spend 20hours on each model! The aim here is 3hours or less for each ‘Battleline’ troop, maybe 4hours or less for fancier Paladins. I’ve also done a little more work on my Elf Mage/Battlemage Farseer conversion.

Painting Stormast Eternals Judicator Back
Test model – pleased with how his back came out, shoulderpads and bow also. The back of his leg, arrows, and fiddly bits were much less obvious and more of a struggle.
Painting Stormast Eternals Judicator Front
I always think these guys look best on their feet and shoulders ^_^
Painting Stormast Eternals Judicator Top
The all important shoulders!

I *always* struggle with where to place highlights on models, this is one of my favourite ways to help – prime the model black, hold it under a lamp at the desired angle and pap a quick photograph on your phone.

Taa-daa: Instant realistic reference photos for painting Stormcast Eternals, ready for you to ignore  and then remember and get irritated by. The models are so similar throughout the range that one set of photos will be adequate for 80% of the army. I took one from a few angles but still ended up missing a few key areas on their sides and in shaded sections which I had to guess on.

Painting Stormast Eternals Judicator Lighting - Back Painting Stormcast Eternals Judicator Light Source Top

Painting Stormast Eternals Judicator Lighting - Front
I find a quick photo under a lamp when primed black is a great resource for where to highlight 🙂
Stormast Eternals Prosecutors
This is the start of the process of building my Prosecutor bases.

Order Battlemage

Painting Stormast Eternals Judicator Eldar Scourge Conversion.
I thought feathered wings would fit with my army better – thoughts?

What do you think of the Dark Eldar Scourge wings on the Prosecutors? They’re a little small but I can’t think of anything else plastic that I could use in their place, the majority of GW wings have quite bulky ‘base’/joining sections – which just wouldn’t work for Stormcast Eternals.

That’s it for now, I’ve also done a bit of work on my Khorne as I needed a break from very difficult techy Stormcast painting, so decided to crack out the pink/purple!


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