Podcast, Review 0 comments on Episode 14: State of the Game!

Episode 14: State of the Game!

New releases, hobby & greenstuff!

Welcome to the show!

In this show we discuss the new releases and some of the rules around the Stormcast and Khorne characters. We also talk about what we have been up to (or lack of) and the current state of the game/community. We also look to the future (which looks bright) focusing around the upcoming events during the next few months and also give tips on which armies new players should look to collect to get into AoS
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Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 13: Clash of Swords 2015!

Episode 13: Clash of Swords 2015!

Mystic Shields!

Welcome to the show!

In this show we discuss the first major 2 day Age of Sigmar event in the UK – Clash of Swords. Russ and Terry were in attendance and give list and game run downs discussing tactics and thoughts around Age of Sigmar as a tournament game.
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Painting, Podcast 0 comments on Minisode 8 : Byrons Painting Journey!

Minisode 8 : Byrons Painting Journey!

Hobby hobby hobby!

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In this minisode Byron discuss how to get better at painting and we talk about his influences and how he learnt to paint. There are some handy tips and discussion points over painting techniques, mediums and effective learning.
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Painting, Podcast 0 comments on Episode 12: Clash of Internet Warriors!

Episode 12: Clash of Internet Warriors!

Interwebz Fight!

Welcome to the show!

In this show we discuss the new releases, listener emails about 8.5/9th and AoS battle for hearts and minds. Our opinions on the current internet discussion/arguing and the future of the game as a tournament system and our thoughts on GW’s AoS event pack…
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Painting, Podcast 0 comments on Minisode 7: Realm of Painting!

Minisode 7: Realm of Painting!

Painting and hobby in the new world!

Welcome to the show!

In this minisode Russ and Les discuss how they painted there stormcast eternal miniatures for the Paint Hammer competition, we discuss our hobby plans and discuss some techniques in detail (like blending and painting black and white). In the last segment we are joined by Rich Payne from the Paint Hammer blog to discuss his thoughts on Blogging, Age of Sigmar and future hobby plans.

So sit back and relax and get ready for Hammer to your Face!

Show notes & links

Pianthammer Blog
AoS painting entries

Podcast, Review 0 comments on Episode 11: Age of Sigmar review and thoughts!

Episode 11: Age of Sigmar review and thoughts!

Age of Sigmar review and thoughts

Welcome to the show!

In this episode we discuss the latest releases from GW and go into an overview of the Age of Sigmar book. We also discuss Clash of Swords comp and a battle report about a practice game between Russ and Les discussing some more in-depth tactical elements to the AoS rule set.
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