RealmHammer Paint-battle

Inspired by the Achievements style events at Blood & Glory and Warhammer World, we wanted to bring you the biggest paint-battle of 2021!!

Facehammer and RealmRift have teamed up to create a real hobby buzz throughout the entire year. Collect as many challenge badges as you can before December 31st and maybe you will be crowned the Hobby Hero worthy of the REALMHAMMER itself.

The Challenges

Below are the first 50 challenges! We are not expecting anyone to complete them all, but kudos to those that try.

While most of these challenges are aimed at Age of Sigmar, there are some dedicated to other game systems. Throughout the year we may add to these, whether that's to cater to new releases or suggestions from the community. Don't let anything stop you from applying these challenges to alternate gaming systems.

When we refer to an "army", we typically mean a valid 2000 point sized force, but this is a hobby challenge so anything at Vanguard scale or higher (1000 points) will be sufficient :)

10/02/2021 UPDATE: The Leaderboard is now live - go check it out:

03/02/2021 UPDATE: We've simplified the original "combo" mechanic to make it easier to combine challenges.


Any other challenges can be included in these.

The Grandmaster Paint an army from each Grand Alliance.
12 points
The Completionist Paint a unit from every faction.
8 points


Anything you’ve done for Bronze and Silver can be included in these challenges.

New Year Paint a new army.
3 points
New shiny Paint an army that was released in 2021.
4 points
The Tainted Paint a Chaos army.
3 points
The Everlasting Paint a Death army.
3 points
The Noble Paint an Order army.
3 points
The Destroyer Paint a Destruction army.
3 points
The Found Paint an army you already own. (Fight the grey!)
4 points
The Horde Paint an army with 13 or more units.
3 points
The Grandhost Paint a 3000 point army.
4 points


Anything painted from Bronze can be used in these challenges.

The Aspect Paint 1 unit from each Grand Alliance.
1 point
The Highlander Paint one of each unit from a faction. (AKA The Matt Clarke list)
4 points
The Starter Paint a Start Collecting box.
2 points
The Awesome Paint a full starter set. (AoS, 40k)
3 points
The Dream Paint the entire contents of a boxed game starter set. (Bloodbowl, Underworlds, Titanicus, Warcry, Aeronautica, Necromunda)
3 points
The Godly Paint all the gods. (Allarielle, Teclis, Morathi, Nagash)
4 points
The Chosen Paint all 5 Mortarchs.
4 points
Bad Boys Paint 4 behemoths.
3 points
The Prepared Paint a unit from every role/type keyword. (leader, wizard, battleline, behemoth, artillery, priest)
2 points
The Organised Complete at least one achievement in each month.
4 points
The Daemonic Paint 1 of each god's greater daemons.
4 points


Try out some new techniques and finally get that warband painted!

The Reborn Upscale something you previously painted.
1 point
The Underdog Paint an Underworlds warband.
1 point
The Spire Paint a Warcry warband.
1 point
The Mountain Paint some terrain.
1 point
The Bard Write some lore about your army.
1 point
The Shining Paint something with NMM.
1 point
The Creator Kitbash/convert something.
1 point
The Polisher Paint something finecast/resin/metal.
1 point
The Artist Paint some freehand.
1 point
The Gruff Paint some weathering.
1 point
The Whole Hog Build and paint a display board.
1 point
Box Art Wanker Paint something the colours it is on the front of the box.
1 point
The Schemer Paint something in a scheme/sub-faction from a battletome.
1 point
The Filth Paint 40 of the same model.
1 point
The Homeowner Paint some Faction terrain.
1 point
The Neat Paint a pattern. (eg: diamonds on harlequins)
1 point
The Technical Use resin/water effects.
1 point
The Colourist Paint a model using only 3 paints.
1 point
The Upgraded Paint something from Forge World.
1 point
The Magical Paint all of a factions Endless Spells.
1 point
The Efficient Paint something entirely with contrast paints.
1 point


For everything else. Want to dabble in some SPORTZ or try out all this space stuff - it’s go time.

The Precious Paint something from Middle Earth.
1 point
The Killer Paint a Kill Team.
1 point
The Hiver Paint a Necromunda gang.
1 point
For the Emperor! Paint something from space. (40k)
1 point
The Scaled Paint something at a different scale (Adeptus titanicus, Aeronautica Imperialis)
1 point
The Victorious Win a game with your army. (Only when it's allowed and doesn't break social distancing rules)
1 point
GO SPORTZ Paint a Bloodbowl team.
1 point
The Famous Have your painting featured by the Warhammer Community team.
1 point
Pew Pew Paint something Star Wars.
1 point
The Heroic Paint a Space Marine hero.
1 point
The Dedicated Paint a model along with us. (The exact time and model will be announced closer to the time)
1 point
The Oldtimer Paint a citadel miniature from the 80s or 90s
1 point
Hobby Hero For awesome involvement,encouragement & all round hobby goodness (Only available as an award from the judges)
2 points


Submissions will all happen through the Facehammer Discord, in the relevant channels. Get involved and get chatting.

Judges words are final - we don’t want anyone taking the piss to sit at the top of the leaderboard. This is a hobby challenge - you’re only cheating yourself.


Submitting and completing a challenge will be awarded with a challenge badge and a place on the leaderboard on Facehammer’s website.

Throughout the year we may choose to give out bonus “Hobby Hero/Judges Choice” challenge badges for things that are super cool.

At the end of the year we will award 2 things:

1. The most challenges completed.
2. The REALMHAMMER Hero. This will be for the hobby hero we deem has embraced and participated throughout the year, and is truly worthy of the REALMHAMMER award (it’ll be an actual hammer).

Rewards/Exclusive merch

We're working on some exclusive merch, just for those participating in the challenge. What you can pick up will depend on how many challenge badges you’ve got. Stay tuned for more details. Suggestions welcome.

From everyone at Facehammer and RealmRift - good luck and have fun :)