In this Episode…
..we cover our Faction focus on the Sons of Behemat. In this break down of the new Age of Sigmar battletome, we deep dive into matched play Age of Sigmar!
We are talking Mega-Gargants and Man-Crushas and why mightier makes rightier! Understand all the power of the big stomp of the S.O.Bs from Heel to Toe! We analyse all 3 tribes; Taker, breaker and Stompa – Telling you the best artefact and trait for each!
In the second section we take a look at the Mercenary rules and how Mega-Gargants can enhance existing armies! Finally we have 3 example army lists! one from each Tribe for inspiration for new players to pick up the Sons of Behemat and stomp all over opponents on the way to the podium!
Sons of BEHEMAT Army Lists!
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