In this episode…
Want to know all the changes and updates presented in the new battletome? Then this video is for you! We talk through all the new rules from Broken Realms Morathi giving you an indepth review of the new battletome updates and rules.
We start with the new Daughters of Khaine rules. A brand new Melusai focused temple and formations as well as a detailed look at the new Morathi warscrolls.
In the Cities of Sigmar segment, we focus heavily on the darkling coven, order sepentis and scourge privateer units available under the new cities; Har Kuron and Misthavn presented in Broken Realms Mortahi. Stormcast get some love with Anvils of Heldenhammer featuring heavily in this book. They are rewarded with a new Stormkeep stormcast allegiance and some great formations which lend themselves to a very viable competitive army which we discuss on the show!
Then we go through the changes to the Idoneth Deepkin warscrolls, comparing the old to the new as well as discussing list ideas – Idoneth get a real boost with this book and its exciting to see Allopex’s, Levidadon’s and Eidolons getting an update and opening up list ideas for the already powerful Idoneth Deepkin army in matched play AOS!
Finally the slaves to darkness Idolator damned legion gets the spotlight with new warshrine and priest focused rules as well a look at the new warscroll battalion. So want to get all the detail on the new rules then this show is for you! Get ready for some Hammer to your face!
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