Army List Review, Chaos, High Elves, Kharadron Overlords, Order, Podcast, Tournament Prep 0 comments on Episode 43: Element Games Grand Slam Lists Review!

Episode 43: Element Games Grand Slam Lists Review!

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Element Games Grand Slam Lists!

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In this show the four of us discuss our lists for the upcoming Element Games Grand Slam event being held at the Northwest Gaming Centre in Stockport. Russ’ freshly painted Kharadron are making a debut outing on the table, Les is taking his trademark build Stormcast list, Continue Reading “Episode 43: Element Games Grand Slam Lists Review!”

Army List Review, High Elves, Kharadron Overlords, Order, Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 42: Heat 3 Aelfs & Kharadron Overlords Update!

Episode 42: Heat 3 Aelfs & Kharadron Overlords Update!

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Heat 3 Aelfs and Kharadron Updates!

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On this sow Byron and Russ discuss Byrons recent visit to Warhammer World for Heat 3. This is the last heat before the final in October, which all 4 of us have qualified for and will be attending! Russ also talks more on his Kharadron Overlords project which he is hoping to finish for the upcoming Element Games Grand Slam at the end of the month. Continue Reading “Episode 42: Heat 3 Aelfs & Kharadron Overlords Update!”

Army Review, Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 37: Tomorrow Burns & Khorne!

Episode 37: Tomorrow Burns & Khorne!

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Tournament Coverage

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In this show Russ , Les and Terry talk about recent experiences at the amazing Tomorrow Burns event run by Chris Tomlin of The Black Sun down in sunny Weymouth. We also have a quick chat about some of the new Khorne book!
Continue Reading “Episode 37: Tomorrow Burns & Khorne!”

Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 36: Big Game Hunters on the Warpath!

Episode 36: Big Game Hunters on the Warpath!

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Tournament Coverage

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In this show Russ , Les and Terry talk about new releases, our experiences at the Warchief’s 1 day event using the SCGT pack and our lists for the upcoming event Tomorrow Burns.
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Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 35: PiC & Sheffield Slaughter!

Episode 35: PiC & Sheffield Slaughter!

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Tournament Coverage

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In this show Russ and Terry talk about partners in chaos doubles event, and our experiences using new armies at Sheffield slaughter.
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Podcast, Tournament Prep 0 comments on Episode 33: Masters pre-event!

Episode 33: Masters pre-event!

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Masters preview

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In this show we discuss the upcoming UK Masters and the lists we are taking! We also discuss some of the other lists there and who we think will take the title!
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Podcast, Tournament Prep 0 comments on Episode 32: Year Review 2016!

Episode 32: Year Review 2016!

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Year Review 2016

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In this show we discuss our experiences in AoS over the year, the current UK meta, top table lists and how to give yourself the best chance of winning against them. We also talk about what we hope to achieve in 2017!
Continue Reading “Episode 32: Year Review 2016!”

Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 31: Blood & Glory!

Episode 31: Blood & Glory!

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Blood & Glory Coverage

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Welcome to the show! In this episode we try a new format for our coverage of Blood and Glory 2016. We focus more about our lists and how we found using them at the event with discussion of our gaming experiences as well as discussing changes we would make to the list in the future. We had all 4 grand alliances between us so should be something for everyone.
Continue Reading “Episode 31: Blood & Glory!”

Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 30: Warlords GT!

Episode 30: Warlords GT!

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Warlords GT Coverage!

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In this show we talk about our adventures at Warhammer World where the first official Games Workshop Age of Sigmar event was held. There is plenty of banter and coverage! Continue Reading “Episode 30: Warlords GT!”

Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 29: Brothers of Sigmar!

Episode 29: Brothers of Sigmar!

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Brothers of Sigmar Coverage!

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In this show we cover the doubles event held at B.I.G – Brothers of Sigmar and we are joined by very special guest of the Tales of Sigmar podcast – Dan Mitchell.

Les laments about Sylvaneth, Terry and Russ tell you how to win – it has something to do with Jaeger bombs?! and Byron and Dan recount there double Death experience!
Continue Reading “Episode 29: Brothers of Sigmar!”