In this Blogisode we talk about the recent Age of Sigmar GT Heat 3 winning list; used to devastating effect by Nick Thompson. Nick took as far from a ‘Net list’ as you could imagine, so we decided to discuss the build and tactics he used!
Listen to our musings below!
Useful Links:
Warhammer TV to watch back Nick’s Army in Action
Nick’s Twitter
do you want to hear about the Ironjawz side of Destruction? Then check out the Megaboss Chris Tomlin and Kieran the Ardnob Harper diving into the subject here in their master’s episode and here in their year in review.

GT Heat 3 Winning list: Moonclan Grots
Grot Shaman
Grot Shaman
Grot Warboss – General, Battlebrew, Bellowing Tyrant
20x Grots – Spears
20x Grots – Spears
20x Grots – Bows
20x Cave Squigs
20x Cave Squigs
4x Grot Fanatics
2x Grot Squig Herders
2x Grot Squig Herders
2x Grot Squig Herders
Mangler Squig
Mangler Squig
Colossal Cave Squig
Any comments or questions? Feel free to post below or grab us on Twitter!