Here are 6 of the interviews held over the FaceHammer worldwide weekend!
Sons of Behemat – The worst AOS army?
Sons of Behemat – Strengths and Weakness!
“Sons of Behemat are the worst age of sigmar army!” – Or so you might have seen on the internet! we follow up our in depth faction focus and expand on our thoughts after some time at the table giving our opinion on why Sons of BEHEMAT are a competitive army for Matched play AGE OF SIGMAR.
We cover strengths and weaknesses of the book as well as where the book sits in the META! Russ talks about the 4 games played on release weekend and covers key learning points and nuances on why the Sons of BEHEMAT are a great army.
General’s Handbook Missions
Russ shares his latest list evolution for the SOBs and explains why he is all in on the army. Want to know what Generals Handbook 2020 mission is a good, bad or average match up for the Sons of BEHEMAT? well we go through all 12 scenarios and explain why!
Finally we touch on Auxiliary objectives and which are impacted by the unique nature of the latest AGE OF SIGMAR Battletome. So if you enjoyed our Faction Focus on the Sons or are a NEW PLAYER looking for help and TACTICS on the army then this show is for you! Let us know what you think below!
Check out the you tube video
Episode 93: Sons of BEHEMAT!
In this Episode…
..we cover our Faction focus on the Sons of Behemat. In this break down of the new Age of Sigmar battletome, we deep dive into matched play Age of Sigmar!
We are talking Mega-Gargants and Man-Crushas and why mightier makes rightier! Understand all the power of the big stomp of the S.O.Bs from Heel to Toe! We analyse all 3 tribes; Taker, breaker and Stompa – Telling you the best artefact and trait for each!
In the second section we take a look at the Mercenary rules and how Mega-Gargants can enhance existing armies! Finally we have 3 example army lists! one from each Tribe for inspiration for new players to pick up the Sons of Behemat and stomp all over opponents on the way to the podium!
Sons of BEHEMAT Army Lists!
Check out our You tube videos!

Episode 92: Effective Age of Sigmar Army list Design!
In this Episode…
…Russ and Byron talk about how to write effective Age of Sigmar army lists that will make you a better player! Russ takes us through his Slaves to Darkness army list he’d building for matched play gaming. Explaining why he took the choices he did and how the army works on the table.
Byron then goes through his Bonesplitterz rogue idol armies and discusses Kunnin Ruk and if its no longer matched play viable. Finally we discuss the concepts and principals behind designing armies for matched play that give you the best tools to improve your gaming!

FaceHammer Worldwide!
This year we are embarking on our first venture into an online event, Facehammer Worldwide! We invite you to take part via Discord. There will be interviews, Painting competitions and a paint along. If you just want advice, we will be around all weekend for answering questions on everything hobby and Age of Sigmar tactics.
So whether you want to up your game or painting this is the event for you, its totally free so come and join us and get ready for some hammer to your face!

Episode 91: Slaves to Darkness Redux!
In this Episode…
…we revisit the Slaves to Darkness Battletome and discuss the impact of the GHB2020 to the Slaves to Darkness forces in Age of Sigmar! In the first section we discuss the battleline units and why they are so important to Slaves to Darkness Armies, we also touch on the conundrum of picking an allegiance and the points to consider,
Be’lakor, its a yes or yes question!
In the last segment of the show we discuss the hero options available to the Slaves to Darkness faction, discussing in detail why every list starts at 1760pts! We also touch on the power of the sorcerer lord and knights of chaos command ability. Do you want to be infused with daemonic power and crush those puny sigmarite dogs? Then this is the show for you!
So sit back and get ready for some hammer to your face!
Continue Reading “Episode 91: Slaves to Darkness Redux!”Episode 90: Ossiarch Bonereapers Redux!
In this Episode…
…We discuss the Ossiarch Bonereapers and how its been affected by the latest GHB2020. Firstly we talk about the balance of meta shift between Nagash, Katakros and Arkhan the Black; the big three of the OBR. In the GHB2020 the Elite units of the Bonereapers got a significant drop in points so we explore these seldom seem units. Giving you list ideas and how to get the most out of them for matched play.
Petrifex Elite was changed (some would say Nerfed) in the recent FAQ. So is this still the best legion? We look at all legions in the Bonereaper book and help answer this question, So if you want to know your Ageis Immortal from your Deathglaive then this show is for you!
So sit back and get ready for some hammer to your face!
Check out our previous show about Ossiarch Bonereapers!
Episode 89: Auxiliary Objectives & Slaanesh Hobby Showcase
In this episode…
…We take you through everything you need to know about GHB2020 Auxiliary Objectives and Terry showcases his Slaanesh project. We kick off with the latest news and an update about Facehammer World Wide! #FHWW.
In the first main section we discuss the implications of the Auxiliary objectives. We do this in the context of the pitched battle tournament pack in the new GHB2020. Therefore we can give you the best advice on getting the most out of these new objectives to ensure tournament success using this standard pack.
After the break we tackle Terry’s Slaanesh comission project. Hear from Terry himself as we showcase his models, discussing the techniques and colours used to achieve the result. This section is filled with lots of hobby talk and is best to reference the photos when listening (see below)
Finally Les talks thought a Lumineth list based around the Stonemason and King and not featuring Teclis in response to a listener question. So if you want 2 hours of Age of Sigmar goodness then sit back and get ready for some Hammer to your face!
Continue Reading “Episode 89: Auxiliary Objectives & Slaanesh Hobby Showcase”Episode 88: Lumineth, Ironjawz and Overlords!
In this Episode…
..we talk about Lumineth, Ironjawz and Kharadron overlords! Les talks about a tournament winning lumineth list based over lots of sentinels. The list was used by @PeterQrkowski to take home first spot.
Our man Byron played some practice games with his Ironjawz list he showcased in the last show and talked about the detail around unlocking the potential of the list
Finally Russ takes us through a competitive matched play Kharadron Overlord army based on Barak Zilfin skyport and two formations. Using 4 ships and a mix of units is this list competitive enough to slug it out at the top tables? Check it out and let us know!
So want to own with Lumineth? or smash with Ironjawz or shoot peoples faces off with sky cannons? Then this show is for you! So sit back and get ready for some hammer to your face!
Continue Reading “Episode 88: Lumineth, Ironjawz and Overlords!”Episode 87: GHB2020 Matched Play Lists
In this Episode…
…we talk about the GHB2020 matched play lists we would take to an event. We each take a grand alliance and come up with a tournament compeititve list for an AOS match play event!
Russ tackles death and writes a Mannfred focused death list. Byron takes on Destruction writing a turn 1 uber aggro Gordrakk themed ironjawz army. Les re imagines the TM build for Stormcast Eternals in 2020! Terry enhances the filth to new heights of the Nurgle Thricefold.
Want a new matched play army for the new season? if the answer is yes! Then sit back and get ready for some hammer to your face!
Element Bundles 17.5% off!
Episode 86: Generals Handbook 2020
In this episode…
…we discuss the changes in this years Generals Handbook 2020! Want to know the big changes to this years GHB2020 affect match play and what are some of the key things to look out for. we discuss the new realms and impact of removing the malign sorcery artefacts, auxilary objectives, endless spell cap and much more. So if you want to know more about the new GHB2020 sit back and get ready for some hammer to the face!
GW Generals handbook 2020 interview
Episode 85: Lumineth Realm-lords
In this episode…
…we return from our hiatus with a Lumineth Realm-lords review with a difference. There are four great nations of the Lumineth Realm-Lords so we decided to take one each and write a list designed for match play explaining our process and also how we would paint our armies.
We also discuss our break and hint at the exciting future for Facehammer (more on this soon!) We did want to release a video of the cast but unfortunately it wasn’t usable after I made a mistake with the audio capture for the stream. Next time we will have a video to go with the show
So it’s been a while but back and get ready for some hammer to your face!
Continue Reading “Episode 85: Lumineth Realm-lords”