Army List Review, Chaos, High Elves, Kharadron Overlords, Order, Podcast, Tournament Prep 0 comments on Episode 43: Element Games Grand Slam Lists Review!

Episode 43: Element Games Grand Slam Lists Review!

Element Games Grand Slam Lists!

Welcome to the show!

In this show the four of us discuss our lists for the upcoming Element Games Grand Slam event being held at the Northwest Gaming Centre in Stockport. Russ’ freshly painted Kharadron are making a debut outing on the table, Les is taking his trademark build Stormcast list, Continue Reading “Episode 43: Element Games Grand Slam Lists Review!”

Army List Review, High Elves, Kharadron Overlords, Order, Podcast, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 42: Heat 3 Aelfs & Kharadron Overlords Update!

Episode 42: Heat 3 Aelfs & Kharadron Overlords Update!

Heat 3 Aelfs and Kharadron Updates!

Welcome to the show!

On this sow Byron and Russ discuss Byrons recent visit to Warhammer World for Heat 3. This is the last heat before the final in October, which all 4 of us have qualified for and will be attending! Russ also talks more on his Kharadron Overlords project which he is hoping to finish for the upcoming Element Games Grand Slam at the end of the month. Continue Reading “Episode 42: Heat 3 Aelfs & Kharadron Overlords Update!”

Hobby Article, Painting 0 comments on Painting Stormcast Eternals for my Order Army

Painting Stormcast Eternals for my Order Army

Just a quick one today – this is where I’ve been putting my hobby time recently: I’ve been painting Stormcast Eternals for my order army! Mostly I have devoted my time to starting the slow and gradual process of NMMing (Non-Metallic-Metal) my Judicators. I’ve actually been stippling them – in a bastardisation of the techniques learned at the David Soper masterclass. The techy painting is really pushing me and I’m finding it quite difficult, as I’m learning my way round a new technique whilst trying to adapt it to ensure I don’t spend 20hours on each model! The aim here is 3hours or less for each ‘Battleline’ troop, maybe 4hours or less for fancier Paladins. I’ve also done a little more work on my Elf Mage/Battlemage Farseer conversion.

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Constrution/Assembly, Converting, Hobby Article, Order 0 comments on High Elf Mage Farseer Conversion

High Elf Mage Farseer Conversion

I had so much fun at Warhammer Worlds Heat 3 playing my janky High Elf Dragon list that I’ve decided to continue working on The (turquoise) Twilight Host! I’m looking for excuses to use nice plastic characters (be they Aelf or otherwise), in this article I cover making a High (Aelf) Elf Mage conversion using the Warhammer 40k Eldar Farseer model.

I picked up the beautiful Eldar Farseer model from the Warhammer 40,000 range with a view to what is basically a head/arm swap. The head swap was simple, the arms were far more complex than I had intended upon though. The fantastic Empire Battle Wizard box came in very useful, as well as some Eternal Guard/Wyldwood Ranger Vambraces.

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Army List Review, Destruction, Podcast 0 comments on GT Heat 3 Winning list – Moonclan Grots Squigs!

GT Heat 3 Winning list – Moonclan Grots Squigs!

In this Blogisode we talk about the recent Age of Sigmar GT Heat 3 winning list; used to devastating effect by Nick Thompson. Nick took as far from a ‘Net list’ as you could imagine, so we decided to discuss the build and tactics he used!

Listen to our musings below!

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Army List Review, Kharadron Overlords, Order 0 comments on Kharadron Overlords: Barak-Zilfin Tactics

Kharadron Overlords: Barak-Zilfin Tactics

Kharadron Overlords

Kharadron Overlords

Over the weekend, I watched the Warhammer TV coverage of the Age of Sigmar Grand tournament: Heat 3. This is the first major event we have been able to see the Kharadron Overlords in action and I was interested to see where people went with the army design and it seems one sky port has proven popular – Barak-Zilfin.

The most prolific Kharadron Overlords list at the event were the affectionately named “clown car” lists. Continue Reading “Kharadron Overlords: Barak-Zilfin Tactics”

Kharadron Overlords, Order, Tactics 0 comments on Kharadron Overlords Tactics: Sky Wardens & Endrinriggers!

Kharadron Overlords Tactics: Sky Wardens & Endrinriggers!

Sky Wardens and Endrinriggers!

Sky Wardens and Endrinriggers!

Both Sky Wardens and Endrinriggers are the most versatile units you can take in a Kharadron Overlords army. With a fly movement of 12” these are some of the most manoeuvrable Kharadron Overlords units. They have access to decent range weaponry, such as the deadly Drill Cannons and Aethermatic volley guns. They also have some solid combat potential in the form of Aethermatic Saw blades and Sky Pikes. Thanks to the Hitchers special rule these units take up no space on the Sky Vessels. This makes them very strong for the “clown car” list. (see my article on this here!)

Continue Reading “Kharadron Overlords Tactics: Sky Wardens & Endrinriggers!”

Podcast, Tactics, Tournament Coverage 0 comments on Episode 41: AOS 6 Nations 2017!

Episode 41: AOS 6 Nations 2017!

AOS 6 Nations Team Event

AOS 6 Nations coverage!

Welcome to the show!

In today’s show we discuss the AOS 6 Nations event. We are joined by special guest star Tom ‘the blight king’ Mawdsley to discuss his Blight King army. Byron discusses his Death army and covers his thinking behind the match up process. Les discusses Sylvaneth tactics and how to win at Blood and Glory!

Continue Reading “Episode 41: AOS 6 Nations 2017!”

Constrution/Assembly, Converting, High Elves, Hobby Article, Order, Wood Elves/Wanderers 0 comments on Assembling Forgeworld Resin & Scenic Base Building

Assembling Forgeworld Resin & Scenic Base Building

Working with Forgeworld Resin

This weekend I assembled a Forgeworld resin Carmine Dragon. I’m going to let the pictures do most of the talking, here’s what I got up to this weekend :).

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Chaos, Converting, Hobby Article 0 comments on Khorne Conversions and Plastic Scraping!

Khorne Conversions and Plastic Scraping!

Khorne Conversions and Plastic Scraping!

So I’ve been working on a new army and Khorne conversions for the past few months. I’m not revealing any painted models just yet as I would like to present a finished army this time round. My last “finished” army was my mixed chaos which attended some 15 tournaments whilst almost being finished on and off for a year. By the time it was done, it had been seen and no one was really fussed about seeing it!
Continue Reading “Khorne Conversions and Plastic Scraping!”

Painting, Review 0 comments on Episode 40: Sproket Overlords!

Episode 40: Sproket Overlords!

Sproket's Small World - Sproket Painting Weekend

Sproket Painting Weekend and Kharadron Overlords

Welcome to the show!

In today’s show we cover Byron, Russ, and Lez’ recent trip to the North West Gaming Centre for a painting lesson from four time Slayer Sword winner David Soper, aka Sproket. We’re also joined by special guest Tom Mawdsley, to chat about building Kharadron Overlords lists!

Continue Reading “Episode 40: Sproket Overlords!”

Painting, Review 0 comments on What’s on Byron’s Desk + Sproket Masterclass Review

What’s on Byron’s Desk + Sproket Masterclass Review

Two weekends back myself, Russ, and Lez attended a masterclass with multiple Slayer Sword winner, and general all round lovely bloke Sproket (David Soper). If you’re not a follower of his blog: Sproket’s Small World you absolutely should be, it’s one of the best on the net, and is a constant source of awe/inspiration for me.. even if I don’t plan on spending 200days painting the same model any time soon :D.

Continue Reading “What’s on Byron’s Desk + Sproket Masterclass Review”